Escape of Lyman radiation from
galactic labyrinths 7-11 April 2025, OAC, Kolymbari, Crete |
09:00-09:30 | Welcome by the Director of OAC and by the SOC | |
09:30-10:00 |
Verhamme & Laura Pentericci: Introductory
remarks |
10:00-10:35 | Pratika Dayal: tbd | |
10:35-11:00 | Andrea Ferrara: The Beautiful Confusion. Super-early Galaxies seen by JWST | |
10:30-11:00 | coffee break | |
I |
of Lyman radiation |
11:30-12:05 | Ylva Götberg: tbd | |
12:05-12:25 | Shyam Menon: Efficient LyC leakage due to radiation-driven outflows in compact bursts | |
12:25-12:40 | Göran Östlin: The
massive star population of IZw18 |
12:40-13:00 | Yumi Choi: Investigating LyC Production and Escape in Local Metal-Poor Dwarf Galaxies | |
Poster session |
13:00-13:05 | Seonwoo Kim:
The Evolution of Lyman Alpha Width at the End of
Reionization |
13:05-13:10 |
Luca Costantin:
Spatially resolved study of ionized gas kinematics of
reionization-era analogs |
15:00-15:20 |
Ricardo Amorín:
Production and potential escape of Lyman radiation in
Extreme Emission-Line Galaxies from DESI |
15:20-15:30 |
Igor Zinchenko:
Identifying candidates for low-metallicity Lyman
radiation leakage in the DESI survey |
15:30-15:40 |
Adam Enders:
ISM properties in and around candidate LCEs with nebular
He II emission |
15:40-15:50 |
Marci-Boehncke: Wolf-Rayet Galaxies as LyC
Leakers: Identifying Candidates among Star-Forming Dwarf
Galaxies |
15:50-16:00 |
Lumbreras-Calle: Local Extreme Emission Line
Galaxies in wide narrow band surveys: gateways to the
early Universe |
16:00-16:10 |
Antonio Giménez
Alcázar: Search and characterization of
low-z analogs to reionization galaxies in J-PAS |
16:10-16:30 |
José M. Vílchez: Ionization and Galaxy Properties of Distant HeII Emitters from Multiwavelength Spectrophotometry | |
16:30-17:00 |
coffee break | |
17:00-17:25 |
Alison Strom: Cosmic Change Agents: Studying Massive Stars at Cosmic Noon | |
17:25-17:45 |
Charlotte Simmonds:
Unveiling the ionising properties of galaxies at the
Epoch of Reionisation with JWST NIRCam |
17:45-18:05 |
Michelle Jecmen:
UV Slopes of the Faintest High-Redshift Galaxies with
Glimpse |
18:05-18:25 |
Ravi Jaiswar:
On the model dependence of the ionizing photon
production efficiency. What are we really measuring? |
18:25-18:45 | Mario Llerena: The ionizing photon production efficiency of star-forming galaxies at z~4-10 | |
18:45-19:05 | Karla Ziboney Arellano-Cordova: Chemical Abundances Inform LyC Escape Conditions at z>5 |
Session II | Transport
of Lyman radiation on subgalactic scales |
09:00-09:35 |
Reddy: UV/Lya Attenuation and the Effect of Gas
Covering Fraction on the Emergent Lya Emission of
High-Redshift Galaxies |
09:35-09:55 |
Mauerhofer: Probing Ionizing Photon Escape: ISM
Absorption Lines and Dust Attenuation in SPHINX20 |
09:55-10:15 |
Silvia Almada
Monter: The Windows and Walls of the Labyrinth:
Decoding Lyman-alpha Radiation |
10:15-10:35 |
Margaritis Chatzis:
Illuminating the Escape from the Galactic Labyrinth
Through X-rays |
10:35-11:00 |
coffee break | |
11:00-11:20 |
Alexandra Le Reste: Reshaping the labyrinth: the impact of galaxy mergers on Lyman radiation escape | |
11:20-11:40 |
Fang-Ting Yuan: Merging Signatures in an Offset Lyman Continuum Emitter at Redshift 3.8 | |
11:40-11:50 |
Archishman Khasnovis: Cold neutral gas in Green Pea galaxies | |
11:50-12:10 |
Omkar Suresh Bait:
Probing the nature of Lyman continuum emitting and
low-metallicity galaxies using radio observations |
12:10-12:20 |
Antonio Arroyo
Polonio: Tracing ionizing escape potential in
IZw18 |
12:20-12:40 |
Cody A. Carr:
Does Radiation or Supernovae Feedback Drive LyC Escape? |
12:40-13:00 | Thøger Emil Rivera-Thorsen: The roles of radiative and mechanical feedback and interaction from NIRSpec IFU observations | |
13:00-13:20 | Cristina Cabello:
Mapping the ISM conditions of local analogs of primeval
galaxies |
14:50-15:15 |
Sophia Flury:
Clearing the Path to Cosmic Reionization: New Insights
from HST and JWST |
15:15-15:25 |
Kaelee S. Parker:
Tracing the Escape of Ionizing Radiation with Neutral
and Low-Ionization Metals |
15:25-15:50 |
Eros Vanzella: Star Clusters as Key Agents of Cosmic Hydrogen Reionization | |
15:50-16:10 |
Soumil Maulick:
Breaking the Mold: Dusty Giants as Lyman Continuum
Leaking Sources in the Cosmic Noon |
16:10-16:30 |
coffee break | |
16:30-16:50 |
Seok-Jun Chang: Lyα Radiative Transfer in Turbulent Medium | |
16:50-17:00 |
Tomokazu Kiyota: Comprehensive JWST+ALMA Study on the Extended Lya Emitters Himiko and CR7 at z~7 | |
17:00-17:10 |
Ivan Nikolić: Inferring the position and size of individual HII regions using Lyman-alpha observations with JWST | |
17:10-17:20 |
Andrea Bolamperti:
Constraining the geometry of the gas surrounding a
typical galaxy at z=3.4 with Lya polarization |
17:20-17:40 |
Tamal Mukherjee:
Probing galaxy kinematics and the epoch of reionization
using Lyman-alpha emission |
Session II | Transport
of Lyman radiation on subgalactic scales (continued) |
09:00-09:20 |
Ilias Goovaerts:
The escape of Lyman-α photons and the contribution of
Lyman-alpha emitters to reionisation |
09:20-09:30 |
Nicole Firestone:
ODIN: Investigating the Star Formation Histories and
Radiative Transfer of LAEs at Cosmic Noon |
09:30-09:50 |
Aaron Smith:
Tracing LyC and Lyα Radiation in High-Redshift Galaxies
from the THESAN-ZOOM Simulations |
09:50-10:10 |
Ana Paulino-Afonso:
Exploring LAES morphology and pixel-by-pixel physical
properties with JWST |
10:10-10:20 |
Daniil Smirnov:
Are Lyman-Alpha Halos different beyond z=6? |
10:20-10:40 |
John Pharo:
What Shapes the Distribution of Lyman Alpha Halos? |
10:40-11:00 |
coffee break | |
Session III |
Lyman photon escape in star-forming galaxies | |
11:00-11:35 |
Sara Mascia: A (not so) Complete
Unknown: multiple predictors of Lyman Continuum
escape in the early Universe |
11:35-12:00 |
Rui Marques-Chaves: Lyman Continuum
escape at cosmic noon: from typical galaxies to the
most extreme starbursts |
12:00-12:20 |
Lena Komarova:
Haro 11: The Spatially Resolved Lyman Continuum Sources |
12:20-12:40 | Amanda Stoffers:
Probing Lyman Continuum Escape: Bayesian SED Modeling of
Low-Redshift Analogues for High-Redshift Galaxies |
12:40-13:00 | Intae Jung:
Probing Lyman-Continuum Escape in Low-Redshift Dwarf
Galaxies with HST UV Observations |
13:00-13:20 | Gerhard Hensler:
Lyman continuum escape from intergalactic star clusters |
15:00-15:25 |
Floriane Leclerq: Tracing HI
distribution and ionizing photon escape in
star-forming galaxies across cosmic time |
15:25-15:45 |
Michelle Berg:
LyC Escape and IGM Tomography Using the 600-900Å
Continuum of the Sunburst Arc |
15:45-16:05 |
Yuchen Liu: The properties of Lyman Continuum candidates through combined spectroscopic and imaging observations | |
16:05-16:25 |
Suraj Dhiwar:
Extreme UV emitting Lyman Continuum leakers at the
Cosmic Noon |
16:25-17:00 |
coffee break | |
17:00-17:20 |
Brian Siana:
Verification of Claimed Lyman Continuum Detections at
z~1 |
17:20-17:40 |
Tony Pahl: LyC
detections at high redshift: precise escape fractions
for individual leakers? |
17:40-18:00 |
Emma Giovinazzo:
Ionizing Photon Escape in the Epoch of Reionization:
Insights from JWST NIRSpec observations |
18:00-18:20 |
Shuairu Zhu:
The Spectral Energy Distributions and Morphology of
Lyman Continuum Leakers at High-z in the GOODS-S |
18:20-18:40 | Namrata Roy:
Lyman Continuum leakage from massive leaky starbursts: A
different class of emitters? |
18:40-19:00 | Nimisha Kumari:
Properties of Lya and non-Lya emitters at the epoch of
reionization |
Session IV | Lyman photon escape in AGN | |
09:00-09:35 |
Andrea Grazian: The escape fraction
from galactic labyrinths of ionizing photons
produced by high-z AGNs |
09:35-09:55 |
Juan Antonio
Fernández Ontiveros: Little Red Dot
Analogues at Low-redshift: A Window into AGN Ionisation
at Cosmic Dawn |
09:55-10:05 |
Rahna Payyasseri
Thanduparackal: Extended Lyman-α emission in
quasar environments at z > 2 detected with J-PAS
narrow-band imaging |
10:05-10:15 |
Silvia Carolina
Rueda Vargas: The Ly-α nebulas around quasars as
evidence of the effect of AGN outflows on the CGM |
10:15-10:25 |
Jay González:
Characterizing the extended Lyman-alpha emission around
high-redshift massive galaxies |
10:25-10:50 | coffee break | |
10:50-11:10 | Enrique Pérez-Montero: Tracing Ionizing Continuum Slopes and Excitation Bimodality in AGN through Mid-IR Diagnostics | |
11:10-11:20 | Evgenia Koutsoumpou: Effects of cosmic rays on ionized gas in AGN and starburst galaxies | |
Session V |
LAEs as probes of the IGM | |
11:20-11:40 |
Gagnon-Hartman: Probing the Physics of Lyman Alpha
Escape using High-Redshift Lyman Alpha Emitters |
11:40-11:50 |
Davide Tornotti:
Unveiling the cosmic web through Lyα emission: an
ultra-deep observation with MUSE |
11:50-12:10 |
Yuta Kageura:
Lyα Emission at z=5-14: Evolution of the Lyα Luminosity
Function and a Late Sharp Reionization |
12:10-12:20 | Cristóbal Moya:
A resolved Lyman-Alpha profile with doubly peaked
emission at z~7 |
12:20-12:30 | Siddhartha Gurung
Lopez: Disentangling the galactic and
intergalactic components in observed Lyman-alpha line
profiles |
12:30-12:40 | Ana Sofia Uzsoy: Bayesian Component Separation for DESI LAE Automated Spectroscopic Redshifts & Photometric Targeting | |
12:40-13:00 | Alessandra Venditti: Photons under the rug: hiding the ionizing photon surplus in the Cosmic Infrared Background | |
14:20-14:40 | Hiroya Umeda: Probing Cosmic Reionization with JWST & Subaru: Lyα Damping Wing and Insights on LyC Leakers | |
14:40-15:00 | Alexander Beckett: Searching for the galaxies that reionized the Universe: Lyman Continuum emitters at z > 3 |
Session VI |
and future observing facilities essential to
the understanding of Lyman photon escape |
15:00-15:25 |
Rogier Windhorst:
LyC studies from space in the next decades |
15:25-15:50 |
Kanak Saha: Key results from the AstroSat UV Deep Field | |
15:50-16:15 |
Weilbacher: Observing Lyman radiation in the blue
optical with BlueMUSE |
16:15-16:40 | Roland Bacon: How WST, the Wide-Field Spectroscopic Telescope, could revolutionize the study of Lyman-alpha galaxies | |
16:40-17:00 |
coffee break | |
17:00-17:20 |
Göran Östlin:
Closing remarks |